Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Metaphors that need to be retired from scholarly discourse – Candidate number one: “Parasite.”

In scholarship, we need to use constructed categories and metaphors – they are simply how one thing can be translated – using the unknown to express the known. However, one needs to be careful how metaphors are used. While we can hide behind the idea that metaphor is the best way to communicate an idea, data does not really show that. In most cases, metaphor is unnecessary for understanding. It is usually not too difficult to simply state an idea in direct language without the use of a metaphor. Metaphor, instead, has a completely different purpose of a mnemonic device. It is usually easier to recall a particular metaphor rather than a robust idea. However, many modern scholars have made this mistake – they somehow think that a metaphor can make a complex thing simple. Something that is complex is complex – no way of translating it differently will make it less complex. In fact, in their attempt to do so, they frequently state things in ways that are foreign to the idea they are expressing. What is worse, it often occurs that the metaphor becomes a “controlling metaphor” and starts to define the points they are trying to express. I argue that just such a controlling metaphor has been used and needs to be abandoned – that of the metaphor of a “parasite” in the realm of ideas and practice. What is meant in the metaphor of a parasite very rarely illustrates the data that it is applied toward, and instead controls and even creates a negative judgment on the material it describes.

To illustrate this point I present the first example of the use of this term from Michael Allen Gillespie discussing post-enlightenment thinking that sought to stray from nominalism, scholasticism, and humanism. Rather, he argues that two seemingly atheistic ideas were presented to solve the problem of free will with a transcendent God – most notably by eliminating the transcendent God. He argues, however, that these views are not actually atheistic at all and are in fact “parasitic” upon religious tradition. Consider his view:
While these strains [i.e. of one group who argued that both natural motion and human motion would spring from a common source and therefore free expression of the will would be driven by an overarching world-spirit that unites all things of the other group of natural scientists who argue that motion of matter as an interplay of natural forces thus predetermining cause and will within that naturalistic framework]of post-Enlightenment thought thus offer different answers to the problem of the antinomy, neither offers (nor can offer) an account of the whole that is both consistent and complete. Each thus produces a partial explanation that achieves coherence by sacrifices completeness or achieves completeness by sacrificing consistency. While both are generally considered to be atheistic from a traditional Christian point of view, each is in fact parasitic on the Christian worldview. This is obvious in the case of the idea of a world-spirit, but it is equally true of the notion of natural causality that derives the certainty of the necessary concatenation of events from the notion of divine predetermination.[1]
Note how Gillespie uses the term “parasitic” here. He argues that because these secular positions – namely positions that are developed from Christian ideas – are parasitic. He argues this because he sees connective tissue not just from the idea that there is a purpose in the world, but that there is actually connection between these solutions and the two Christian positions of humanism and nominalism.

The question, though, is whether this is truly “parasitic.” When the “parasite” metaphor is used, it implies that a view cannot exist without the other view to feed upon (like unto a parasite does a host). Further, it suggests that the view feeds off of the nutrition and body of the previous idea – much like a parasite with a host. What is more, the view can never exist independently – all parasites must have a host – they therefore will either transfer from host to host or keep the host alive enough to use it as a continued source of sustenance. Finally, a parasite is something that is foreign to the host and is introduced from the outside world – suggesting that this view is separate from the original view but somehow subjected itself into the view and exists based upon that original idea.

I do not believe that Gillespie meant to include all of these above points. For instance, the final one is exactly opposite his point – rather than suggesting that post enlightenment views were separate from Christian reformation views, he argues that they were fundamentally the same and came from the same source. Second, it is nowhere clear that the post-enlightenment views could not stand on their own. What is more, it is not at all clear that these post-enlightenment views needed the previous views of nominalism, scholasticism, or humanism to be simultaneously present (as would a parasite) to exist. In fact, Gillespie’s whole point is that they have replaced those views.

When one looks carefully at Gillespie, the only thing that really fits with the “parasite” idea is that it took the ideas from a previous idea (the way a parasite takes nutrition from a host). However, that is where the analogy stops. Gillespie then argues that post-enlightenment views took the ideas and then moved on to be independent ideas – even though they always were indebted to that original group. This is exactly what a parasite does not do. A parasite does not exist on its own. That something has a source which borrows from something previous does not imply a parasite. That simply implies borrowing.

A second example of how this metaphor is used inappropriately is constructive. Consider Christian Smith’s view of how Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (the idea that religion is encapsulated in basic ethics and feeling good)[2] is a parasite upon standard Christian traditions. Smith, to his credit, tries to take the metaphor more seriously and does describe why he bothers to bring it up. Consider the way it is used:

Indeed, this religious creed appears to operate as a parasitic faith. It cannot sustain its own integral, independent life; rather it must attach itself like an incubus to established historical religious traditions, feeding on their doctrines and sensibilities, and expanding by mutating their theological substance to resemble its own distinctive image…These may be either devout followers or mere nominal believers of their respective traditional faiths, but they often have some connection to an established historical faith tradition that this alternative faith feeds on and gradually co-opts if not devours. Believers in each larger tradition practice their own versions of this otherwise common parasitic religion…Each of the believers then can think of themselves as belonging to the specific religious tradition they name as their own – Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, Mormon, whatever – while simultaneously sharing the cross-cutting, core beliefs of their de facto common Moralistic Therapeutic Deist faith. In effect, these believers get to enjoy whatever particulars of their own faith heritages that appeal to them, while also reaping the benefits of this shared, harmonizing, interfaith religion.[3]
Here, Smith tries to be responsible with his metaphor. However, serious questions need to be asked as to whether or not this is appropriate. First, nowhere in Smith’s book does he show that MTD cannot exist without traditional faith. In fact, he himself cites a fascinating article on the “paradoxical growth of the liberal church” by Jay Demerath.[4]  Demerath argues that the liberal church’s membership is waning precisely because their worldview is being accepted. People are able to hold their worldview without identifying with the church any longer. MTD then, is no parasite – it clearly can and is standing alone. Second, much like Gillespie, Smith does not take seriously that parasites are from without and work their way into a group. Smith, much like Gillespie, argues that MTD developed precisely from within liberal Protestantism’s attitudes about how God interacts with the world.

Smith does do one thing well – he does try to address the problem of how a parasite feeds off of the host and thereby affects the host. However, his metaphor struggles – how is it that a parasite changes the host and makes it something different? The whole point of a parasite is that it is not the host and does not change the character of the host. That would be less a parasite and more a skin graft – something that was not part of a being which has now become and changed the identity of that being.

It appears that both Smith and Gillespie use the metaphor with the primary purpose of saying that these independent ideas were secondary and their original source was clearly from a previous idea – they simply have been separated so long that people no longer recognize them as such. However, that is precisely what a parasite cannot do.

The problem, here, is one of metaphor. Metaphors can be quite helpful. In fact, they are nearly necessary in good communication. Ellen Muehlenberger shows this clearly in her review of Boin’s Coming Out Christian:
Metaphors are excellent tools for comprehension, to be sure. Seeing a familiar pattern in what is unfamiliar is often the first step toward understanding something new; that pattern can be a handle to hold on to as we explore new and unpredictable territory. Metaphors are able to do this work because they are similar to the target to be explained, but they are by design not identical. Two things are compared, but the two are never a perfect match. Every metaphor comes with limits, places where it stops yielding information, and that is just a feature of the tool: no metaphor can truly account for the thing it is said to be like.[5]
Here this is the reality of every metaphor.

It could be argued that I am being too harsh here; however, the problem is not that the metaphor has limits, it is that the concept of “parasite” has taken over understanding and is controlling the idea rather than illustrating it. Muehlenberger argues this same idea when critiquing Boin’s metaphor of Christians in the Roman Empire being like homosexuals in the modern world “coming out”:
One could think of all of these as just instances of the author being clever — oh, the satire, or even the camp, that lies latent in describing ancient Christians as if they were twentieth-century homosexuals! — but Boin clearly means to do more than just provoke. The concept of “coming out” is necessary to his argument, as it provides the solution to the unresolved historical problem that sits uncomfortably at the center of the book. That problem is simple: if quieter Christians did exist, they left very little evidence of their carefully-calibrated lives. In fact, evidence of Christianity of any sort, strident or respectable, is rather thin for the first three centuries of the common era. But, if there were masses of Christians who simply chose not to be public about their identities — that is, Christians were careful about when and whether they “came out” — then that problem goes away.[6]
Here is what has happened with the “parasite” – it controls the rhetoric. It suggests that the problem of understanding the motivation for a phenomenon is over. Rather than suggesting that the rise of an idea came from varied sources and is using legitimized ideas in a dynamic way, it simply states that a precedent in the past created this thing in the present. This now is no longer illustrating, it is now constraining.

The problem with this is that this type of metaphor reflects a more unsettling attitude. It is the idea that a complex idea can become very simple if we simple view it from the proper angle. Muehlenberger summarizes the issue:
All metaphors have their limits. What, then, is the harm if this one does not live up to its hype? In its reliance on a single, uncomplicated move — applying the language of a modern phenomenon to an ancient one — Coming Out Christian bears a resemblance to a genre of writing that, to my knowledge, has not yet been named but is ubiquitous, especially in new media journalism. This genre depends on the belief that subjects that appear difficult to understand are not, in reality, difficult at all. They simply require a shift in perspective, a tip, a tiny key to unlock them.[7]
This is magic bullet thinking at its worst. It is the idea that if we look hard enough at a complex idea, we will find a particular metaphor that explains it all very simply. It is something that is at best lazy – rather than working hard and challenging ourselves to find new understandings, we can simply find some small little avenue to find understanding without having to go to all the work of understanding. One is essentially asking to gain understanding without learning.

Finally, metaphors have connotations. I have stated above all of the denotations of what a parasite consists of. The connotation, however, is that parasites are “bad.” This connotation is almost certainly what both Gillespie and Smith are hoping for when they use the metaphor. They think that post enlightenment atheistic thought and Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, respectively, are negative things that should be avoided – much like parasites. This is the most troubling of the use of the metaphor. It is a way for scholars – who are supposed to approach everything with both a hermeneutic of respect and suspicion – to denigrate something while not actually denigrating it. It is a very clever approach of condemning a practice while claiming to be objectively analyzing it. I am not opposed to scholars taking positions on topics – I think scholarship could use more of that, not less; however, if one is going to make a statement, it is absolutely necessary to actually make the statement. If Christian Smith wants to argue that MTD is a problem, that is fine – but have the courage to actually say that and subsequently own it. Don’t allow a metaphor to provide nods and winks about what is intended.

[1] Michael Allen Gillespie, The Theological Origins of Modernity (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2008), 280.
[2] Smith provides five characteristics of MTD:
1. God exists who created and orders the world and watches over human life on earth.
2. God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions.
3. The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself.
4. God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.
5. Good people go to heaven when they die
See Christian Smith, Soul Searching: the Religion and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 162-163.
[3] Smith, Soul Searching, 166.
[4] N. Jay Demerath, “Cultural Victory and Organizational Defeat in the Paradoxical Decline of Liberal Protestantism” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 34.4 (1995): 458-69.
[5] Ellen Muehlenberger “Metaphor and Its Limits: on Douglas Boin Coming Out Christian in the Roman World” Book Review. Marginalia Review of Books (http://marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/metaphor-and-its-limits-by-ellen-muehlberger/).
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.

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